Wednesday, November 14, 2018

College is interesting when you're old.

It's been a very long time since I posted on here, but I recently set off in yet another completely different direction, so I thought I'd try again to document the journey.  At the end of August this year I started as a full time student at Kutztown University.  I am a personal financial planning major, which will lead to an undergraduate degree and being able to take the Certified Financial Planner exam as soon as I finish school.  I sold my home and my son, Elliot, and I moved in with my mom.  The proceeds from selling my home will help pay for school. 

School is going well so far.  I'm taking Financial Accounting, Microeconomics, Statistics, and Industrial/Organizational Psychology.  I transferred two years worth of credits from various classes I've taken over the years, so I should be able to finish in another two years.  I've got my classes planned for the spring semester and I was able to get the schedule I hoped for. 

Classes have certainly been interesting with most of the students being MUCH younger than me.  I was talking with a group from my accounting class one day after class and they were all born the same year I graduated from high school.  There are definitely good and bad sides to it. 

I'll work on posting more, but this is just an introductory post on this latest askew adventure. 

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