Thankfully this is the neighbor's house, not the house I'm house-sitting at. Also thankfully, one of the people I'm house-sitting for is home this weekend to help handle the rising water. Obviously it got a little wet down here along the Schuylkill river this weekend. There are a lot more pictures up at my Flickr account. It's been an interesting day. There wasn't too much to move at the house, so it was mostly just watching, waiting and taking a lot of pictures. I got some fun pictures of various strange goings on. A couple people that live in two houses down the street a bit were out canoing and kayaking in their back yards. You're only supposed to be able to canoe in the front yards here (the front yards being the river).
Outside of all this, I know I haven't posted in forever, I'm sorry. I'm not good at posting when I'm just back in normal boring life mode. But, there is something exciting, I found an apartment I really like right on Bridge street in Phoenixville. It's the main street in town, even though there's also a Main street. I will get the keys May 1 hopefully. The landlord is planning on doing a couple things to the apartment. Not really much else to talk about. Enjoy the flood pictures.